Virtual Public Meeting for FM 1387
from North Midlothian Parkway to FM 664
Ellis County
CSJ 1394-02-027
Thursday, March 30, 2023
The virtual meeting begins on Thursday, March 30 at 5:30 PM and will remain available online through the comment period deadline of April 14, 2023. During this time, please view the project materials and other information provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.
The proposed project consists of the reconstruction, realigning, and widening of FM 1387 from North Midlothian Parkway to FM 664 for approximately 5.8 miles. Improvements would include the expansion of the existing two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane urban roadway (ultimate six-lanes) with a raised median to provide additional capacity and improve safety. Turn lanes, where applicable, will be located at side streets and intersections. Improvements would consist of 11-foot to 12-foot wide travel lanes depending on right of way restrictions, a 10-foot wide shared-use path on the north side and a five-foot sidewalk on the south side of the roadway. The project passes through the eastern portion of the City of Midlothian and Ellis County, Texas.
You may click on any of the project exhibits below to view them at full size
Roll 1
Roll 2
Roll 3
Roll 4
Roll 5
The proposed improvements would require additional ROW and potentially displace ten residences along the FM 1387 corridor west of Longbranch Road.
Information about the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance may be found in the following pamphlets: {use hyperlinks below}
Relocation Assistance: English
Relocation Assistance: Spanish
State Purchase of ROW: English
State Purchase of ROW: Spanish
The deadline for providing comments is April 14, 2023.
Contact the TxDOT project manager Nelson Underwood, P.E. to ask questions about the project at or (214) 320-6628.
To view the August 2022 public meeting materials, click HERE