Virtual Public Meeting for US 380 Improvements in Farmersville
United States Highway (US) 380
From County Road (CR) 560 to CR 699 (Hunt County Line), Collin County, Texas
CSJ: 0135-05-028
January 28, 2021
This virtual meeting begins on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 6 p.m. and will remain available online through the comment period deadline of Friday, February 12, 2021. During this time, please view the video presentation and other information provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.
Click this link to view the narrated video presentation: https://youtu.be/VKoWnHA1soY
The presentation slides and speech are also available in PDF format here:
Presentation Slides
Presentation Script
You may click on any of the project exhibits below to view them at full size.
The proposed project includes the construction of a new location realignment for US 380 from CR 560 to CR 699 (Hunt County Line), south of the City of Farmersville, in Collin County for a distance of approximately 8.5 miles.
The existing US 380 roadway includes four 12-foot wide lanes, a 16-foot wide two-way left turn lane, limited sidewalks and no bicycle accommodations and an existing right-of-way varying from 120 to 180 feet wide. The existing US 380 roadway would remain.
The new location facility would be constructed as a four-lane divided facility with 12-foot lanes and 10-foot shoulders with additional auxiliary lanes as needed. The proposed project would also include two continuous, one-way frontage roads with 12-foot lanes and a 10-foot shared use path on both sides of the roadway. The proposed project is located south of the City of Farmersville, in Collin County.
The proposed new location alignment recommended by the feasibility study was slightly adjusted based on stakeholder meetings held in late 2020. The figure below shows the alignment recommended by the feasibility study in magenta, and the new proposed new location alignment in yellow. The project design will be further refined as the study progresses.
Click the links below to view the preliminary alternative for the US 380 Project.
Schematic Roll 1: From CR 560 to Old Josephine Rd.
Schematic Roll 2: From Old Josephine Rd. CR 699 (Hunt County Line)
Approximately 300-320 acres of new right-of-way would be required for this project. Potential displacements include three residences and one commercial structure.
Information about the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance may be found in the following pamphlets:
Relocation Assistance: ENGLISH
Relocation Assistance: SPANISH
State Purchase of ROW: ENGLISH
State Purchase of ROW: SPANISH
The deadline for providing comments is February 12, 2021.
Comments may be provided online, or by mail, email, or voicemail, as explained below.
Comment Online: Comments may be completed and submitted online by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3MPD9RV
Comment via Email or Mail: The PDF Comment Form may be completed on the computer or printed and handwritten and can be submitted by email or mail. Click the links below for the PDF Comment Form.
PDF Comment Form: ENGLISH
PDF Comment Form: SPANISH
Email comments to Edra.Brashear@txdot.gov
Mail comments to:
TxDOT Dallas District Office
Attention: Edra Brashear, P.E.
4777 East US Highway 80
Mesquite, TX 75150-6643
Verbal Comments: Call (833) 933-0431 and leave your comment on the voicemail. For the official documentation, please clearly state your name and address before your verbal comment. You will be able to record a 3-minute long verbal comment. Your comment will be transcribed and included in the meeting documentation.
Contact the TxDOT project manager, Edra Brashear, P.E., to ask questions about the project at Edra.Brashear@txdot.gov or (214) 320-6651.