Virtual Public Meeting for US 380
From County Road 560 to County Road 699 (Hunt County Line)
South of Farmersville
Collin County, Texas
CSJs 0135-05-028, 0135-04-038, 0135-17-002
Thursday, April 28, 2022
The virtual meeting begins on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 5:30 PM and will remain available online through the comment period deadline of May 13, 2022. During this time, please view the project materials and other information provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.
The proposed project includes a new location realignment of US 380 from CR 560 to CR 699 (Hunt County Line), south of the City of Farmersville in Collin County for a distance of approximately 7.6 miles. The new location facility would be constructed as a six-lane divided roadway with 12-foot wide lanes that includes an as-needed additional auxiliary lane and 10-foot wide shoulders. The proposed project would also include continuous, one-way frontage roads with two 12-foot wide lanes and a 10-foot wide shared use path on both sides of the roadway. The existing US 380 roadway would remain.
You may click on any of the project exhibits below to view them at full size
The existing ROW ranges from 120 feet to 180 feet. The proposed ROW will range from 322 feet to 384 feet. The proposed improvements would require approximately 551 acres of new ROW and could potentially displace three residences and three commercial structures.
Information about the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance may be found in the following pamphlets:
Relocation Assistance: English
Relocation Assistance: Spanish
State Purchase of ROW: English
State Purchase of ROW: Spanish
The deadline for providing comments is May 13, 2022.
Contact the TxDOT project manager Liang Ding, P.E. to ask questions about the project at or (214) 320-6625.
To view the January 2021 public meeting materials, click HERE.