Virtual Public Meeting for FM 3097 (Horizon Road)
To view the public meeting summary, including responses to comments received, please click HERE
Virtual Public Meeting for FM 3097 (Horizon Road)
From Tubbs Road to FM 549
Rockwall County
CSJ 3148-01-013
Thursday, November 16, 2023
The virtual meeting begins on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM and will remain available online through the comment period deadline of December 1, 2023. During this time, please view the project materials and other information provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.
The proposed project would widen the existing FM 3097 (Horizon Road) from two 11-foot wide lanes (one in each direction) to four 12-foot wide lanes (two in each direction) separated by a raised median from Tubbs Road to FM 549, a distance of approximately 1.9 miles. An eight to 10-foot wide shared use path is proposed along both sides of FM 3097 within the project limits.
The project is anticipated to affect a portion of existing trail in the City of Heath that is protected under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966. The trail is adjacent to FM 3097 from Little Buffalo Creek to FM 549. The project would reconstruct a portion of the trail across the tributary of Little Buffalo Creek to accommodate a proposed culvert extension. No modifications are proposed to the trail from the tributary of Little Buffalo Creek to FM 549. Public comment on the effects of the proposed project on the activities, features or attributes of the trail are requested.
You may click on any of the project exhibits below to view them at full size
Roll 1 (Tubbs Road to west of Ranch Trail)
Roll 2 (Ranch Trail to FM 549)
The proposed improvements would require approximately eight acres of additional ROW. No residential or non-residential displacements are anticipated.
Information about the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance may be found in the following pamphlets: {use hyperlinks below}
Relocation Assistance: English
Relocation Assistance: Spanish
State Purchase of ROW: English
State Purchase of ROW: Spanish
The deadline for providing comments is December 1, 2023.
Contact the TxDOT project manager Kibru Andargie, P.E. to ask questions about the project at or (214) 320-6244.