SH 34 Feasibility Study

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Virtual Public Meeting for SH 34

From Farm-To-Market Road (FM) 2578 To State Highway (SH) 243
Kaufman County, TX
CSJ: 0173-04-056
September 24, 2020



The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is conducting a feasibility and alignment study on SH 34 from FM 2578 in Terrell to SH 243 in Kaufman County, a distance of approximately 20 miles. The purpose of this study is to improve safety and mobility on SH 34, as well as address traffic flow concerns due to the growth of Terrell, Kaufman, and surrounding cities. This study has evaluated and analyzed possible solutions and alignments for a proposed four-lane divided roadway. This virtual meeting will provide background information on the purpose of the study, share the analysis of different alignments considered, and present the Recommended Alignment. We will also share next steps and opportunities for you to share your comments.

This virtual meeting begins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 and will remain available online through the comment period deadline of 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9, 2020. During this time, please view the video presentation and exhibits provided on this site to learn about the project and provide your comments.


Click this link to view the narrated video presentation:


Click the links below to view the exhibits.

1. TxDOT-FHWA Memorandum of Understanding Exhibit
2. Fact Sheet
3. Study Timeline
4. Human Environmental Constraints Map
5. Natural Environmental Constraints Map
6. Alignment Alternatives
7. Recommended Alignment
8. Recommended Alignment – Roadway Configuration
9. Video Presentation Slides
10. SH 34 Roll 1 - From SH 243 to FM 2728
11. SH 34 Roll 2 - From Dumaine St to Christie Ln
12. SH 34 Roll 3 - From Zagota Crossing Rd to FM 2578


The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional right-of-way and potentially displace twenty-one (21) residences and three (3) non-residential structures. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program and services and benefits for those displaced and other affected property owners, as well as information about the tentative schedule for right-of-way acquisition and construction, can be obtained from the TxDOT district office by calling (214) 320-4469.

If you would like to familiarize yourself with the process for state purchase of ROW and relocation assistance, please see the following pamphlets:

Relocation Assistance: ENGLISH or SPANISH
State Purchase of ROW: ENGLISH or SPANISH

SH 34 September 2020 Public Meeting Documentation

Additional project information including design changes discussed with the City of Oak Ridge will be included in the SH 34 Feasibility Study Final Report, which will be posted in April 2021.

SH 34 September 2020 Public Meeting Documentation

SH 34 Feasibility Study Report

Feasibility Study Report Appendices


Contact the TxDOT project manager, Stephen Endres, P.E., to ask questions about the project at or (214) 320-4469.

Visit or click here to view additional study materials and the June 2018 Public Meeting Documentation.