I-35W Frontage Roads from Eagle Parkway to SH 114 - Public Meeting
CSJ: 0081-13-041
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will conduct a Public Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, for the proposed improvements to Interstate 35 West (I-35W) in Fort Worth, Denton County, Texas. The project limits extend from Eagle Parkway to State Highway 114 (SH 114).
The purpose of the Public Meeting is to present the proposed roadway improvements within this 2.2-mile long section of I-35W. The Public Meeting will be an “open house” format and will be held on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at the Northwest High School cafeteria/student union area, 2301 Texan Drive, Justin, Texas 76247 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. TxDOT staff and its consulting engineers will be available in an informal setting to answer questions during the meeting.
The proposed project is needed to provide system linkage along I-35W in this part of northwest Fort Worth. Upon completion, I-35W would include the addition of one way frontage roads in both northbound and southbound directions. The proposed section would also include the reconstruction and relocation of exit and entrance ramps. The frontage roads would consist of a 14-foot outside lane and a 12-foot inside lane. The outside and inside curb offset widths would be two feet each. A five foot sidewalk would also be included in both northbound and southbound directions. Approximately 27.1 acres of additional ROW and 0.18 acres of drainage easement would be needed to accommodate the proposed roadway improvements. No residential or commercial property displacements or relocations would be required.
Public Meeting: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Northwest High School cafeteria/student union area,
2301 Texan Drive,
Justin, Texas 76247