Proposed Removal and Transfer of a Portion of SH 121 in Collin County to the NTTA - Public Hearing
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Pursuant to Transportation Code, §228.151 and 43 TAC §27.13, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., at the TxDOT Collin County Area Office, 2205 South State Highway 5, McKinney, Texas 75069, to receive comments from interested persons concerning the proposed removal from the state highway system and transfer to the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) of a portion of State Highway 121 from the west side of Watters Road overpass through the north, east, and south limits of the construction required to complete the United States Highway (US) 75/SH 121 Interchange (which has been constructed and is operational) in Collin County, to be utilized by the NTTA under Transportation Code, Chapter 366 for the design,
financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of a turnpike project.
Transportation Code, §228.151 authorizes the department to lease, sell, or transfer in another manner a toll project or system that is part of the state highway system, including a nontolled state highway or a segment of a nontolled state highway converted to a toll project, to a governmental entity that has the authority to operate a tolled highway. A lease, sale, or transfer is subject to a prior public hearing in each county in which the project is located, and is subject to the Texas Transportation Commission (commission) and the Governor approving the transfer of the toll project or system as being in the best interests of the state and the entity receiving the project or system. Transportation Code, §228.153 requires the authority to reimburse the department for any expenditures of the department for the financing, design, development, construction, operation, or maintenance of the highway that have not been reimbursed with the proceeds of bonds issued for the highway, unless the commission finds that the transfer will result in substantial net benefits to the state, the department, and the public that equal or exceed that cost.
Public Hearing: 6:00 pm
TxDOT Collin County Area Office
2205 South SH 5
McKinney, TX 75069