SH 114 and SH 170 Freeway Widening - Public Meeting
CSJs: 0353-02-074, 0353-03-093, 3559-01-005, 3559-01-008
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will conduct a Public Meeting for the purpose of soliciting public comment on the proposed widening of State Highway (SH) 114 from Trophy Lake Drive to Kirkwood Boulevard, and SH 170 from East of Roanoke Road to West of SH 114 Interchange, in Denton and Tarrant County, Texas.
The SH 114 project proposes the reconstruction and widen of existing SH 114 from a four-lane roadway to a six-lane roadway within the limits extending from Trophy Lake Drive in Trophy Club to the Kirkwood Blvd, in Denton County, Texas. The proposed roadway for this section would consist of constructing one additional inside 12-foot travel lane (three 12-foot lanes in each direction) within the existing 150 to 180-foot ROW. Constructed main lane configuration would be six travel lanes (three in each direction) with a 10-foot outside shoulder and 12-foot inside shoulder. Total project length of SH 114 from Trophy Lake Drive in Trophy Club to the Kirkwood Blvd is 2.360 miles.
The proposed improvements of SH 170 would include constructing a grade separated interchange at the Parrish Lane Intersection-frontage road bypass, in Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas. The proposed interchange and Parrish Lane will consist of six travel lanes three 12-foot lanes in each direction with a 12-foot outside auxiliary lane in each direction, 12-foot barrier inside shoulders and 10-foot outside shoulder. The existing frontage roads will be restriped to include one 12-foot travel lane, one 14-foot outside travel lane to accommodate bicycles in each direction. All changes proposed for this project are included within the existing 380 to 680-foot ROW. Total project length of SH 170 East of Roanoke Road to West of SH 114 Interchange is 1.068 miles.
Public Meeting (Open House Format) : 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Medlin Middle School,
601 Parkview Drive,
Trophy Club,
TX 76262