TxDOT - Dallas District Notice Affording an Opportunity for a Public Hearing
Department Policies Affecting Bicycle Use on the State Highway System
In accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, § 25.55(b), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) – Dallas District is offering the opportunity for a public hearing on district transportation programs and policies affecting bicycle use on the state highway system.
The purpose of this notice is to allow any person an opportunity to request, in writing, that a public hearing be held to explain the bicycle policies and programs. A mailing list will be developed by the district on this topic, and interested individuals and groups may submit a request to be added to the list.
All interested individuals may request a public hearing be held by submitting a written request, by mail, to the TxDOT Dallas District - Advance Project Development, 4777 East Highway 80, Mesquite, Texas 75150-6643, Attn: Sandra J. Williams. All written requests must be postmarked on or before Tuesday, January 19, 2016 to be included as a part of the official public hearing request record. In the event a public hearing is requested, a hearing will be scheduled and notices will be published indicating the hearing date and location. For additional information please contact Ms. Williams at (214) 320-6686 or sandra.williams2@txdot.gov.
TxDOT - Dallas District Notice Affording an Opportunity for a Public Hearing