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Corridor/Feasibility Study Approved
From September 2012 to March 2014, TxDOT conducted a Loop 9 Corridor/Feasibility Study from US 67 to I-20 in Dallas, Kaufman, and Ellis Counties, Texas. The Loop 9 Southeast Corridor/Feasibility Study incorporated more flexible design standards, a reduced right-of-way (ROW), a shorter project length, and minimized the overall impacts when compared to past studies. The goal of the Corridor/Feasibility Study was to develop a program of independent projects to advance into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process based on mobility needs, engineering and environmental data, and coordination with the Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), local officials, the public, and resource agencies.
Specifically, the Loop 9 Southeast Corridor/Feasibility Study:
- Solicited input from local and community leaders on specific transportation facility needs
- Promoted public involvement to garner input and understand public needs and values
- Determined the transportation problems within the study area
- Identified a corridor where transportation projects could be developed to address area problems
- Identified specific transportation projects to advance in the corridor while considering the potential for impacts on the natural, socioeconomic, and cultural environments
- Recommended a program of transportation projects to advance within the corridor over the next several years as funding becomes available
TxDOT utilized the Federal Highway Administration's Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) process during the Corridor/Feasibility Study to develop interagency relationships, clarify and/or resolve alignment issues and to develop viable alignments options for more detailed evaluation in the NEPA phase of project development. The PEL process facilitated the gathering of input from local and community leaders and the public, documentation of the transportation problems within the study area, and identification of a corridor where transportation projects could be developed to address area problems. Public Meetings were conducted in May and September of 2013 (see Public Involvement for more information).
The refined Loop 9 corridor identified in the Corridor/Feasibility study minimizes impacts to the natural and social environment by reducing the proposed ROW from the alternatives examined in the original Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and shifting alignments to avoid impacts to a TV tower, transmissions lines, the Skyline Landfill, and other natural resources. There are also three sections that have two viable options for further study during the NEPA evaluations. Based on the Corridor/Feasibility Study, TxDOT, in coordination with the NCTCOG and local officials, proposes to advance the highest priority projects into the NEPA process. These independent projects would meet the 2035 planning horizon needs, be fiscally constrained, and would move through the appropriate NEPA process. The NEPA process for independent projects would cover the initial near-term phased construction and would also document the need to preserve the necessary ROW to achieve the long-term need and goals. These needs would be incorporated into the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) as required. This action is consistent with the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) policy FT3-008 and FT3-009, to accommodate the ultimate new location, access-controlled transportation facility that would meet the long term transportation needs of the region.
Study Conclusions
The Loop 9 Southeast Corridor/Feasibility Study proposed developing the project in three major subcorridors for up to six separate and independent projects utilizing a phased construction approach. The proposed project would be developed in four phases:
- Phase 1: Construct only one two-way frontage road while purchasing the entire proposed ROW for the ultimate facility.
- Phase 2: Construction of the additional frontage road.
- Phase 3: Construction of isolated grade separations at specific high-volume intersections.
- Phase 4: Construction of continuous tolled mainlanes in both directions.
Based on projected traffic data, Phase 1 (one two-way frontage road) is warranted by 2025 for the section from US 67 to I-35E (Corridor A) and the section from I-35E to I-45 (Corridor B). Construction of a two-way frontage road in the section from I-45 to I-20 (Corridor C) is warranted by 2030. All remaining sections are warranted beyond 2035, including construction of the ultimate toll facility, and are considered long-term projects to be reevaluated again at a later date as the need arises.
Utilizing the currently available funding ($100 million), TxDOT has chosen to begin engineering and environmental studies for the section of Loop 9 from I-35E to I-45 (Corridor B) first. This section is approximately 9.5 miles in length and is anticipated to cost $710 million (the least of the three corridors). Constructing this section would allow TxDOT to meet the anticipated land use changes and projected traffic growth between I-35E and I-45 due to the International Inland Port of Dallas (IIPOD) and other developers in the area. Subsequent sections would be advanced based on local needs and available funding.
Use the links below to access the Loop 9 Corridor Feasibility Study.
Corridor Feasibility Study Files
Due to the large file sizes, each link connects to a separate part of the document in order to reduce downloading time.
- Loop 9 Southeast Corridor Feasibility Study
- Exhibit 1: Environmental Constraints Map
- Appendix A: FHWA PEL Questionnaire
- Appendix B: State and Federal Resource Agency Webinar Summary
- Appendix C: Local Government Interviews and Meeting Summaries
- Appendix D: Regional Task Force Meeting Summaries
- Appendix E: Major Stakeholder Meeting Summaries
- Appendix F: Public Meeting Summaries
- Appendix G: Record of Comments Received and Responses
- Appendix H: Traffic Analysis Memorandum