US 380 Collin County Feasibility Study

Project Map


What is the purpose of the study?

Analyze potential roadway alternatives, including the existing alignment and new alignments, for US 380 through Collin County from the Denton County line to the Hunt County line.

What is a feasibility study?

A feasibility study is one planning tool that TxDOT uses when a project is in the very early stages of development. It helps determine if the project should move on to more advanced phases of project development such as more in-depth environmental analysis, public involvement, schematic design and right-of-way mapping.  

The reason this type of study is done is to identify high level or critical elements of engineering, impacts to stakeholders and the public, and the economic feasibility of potential new roadways or improvements to existing roadways.

Feasibility studies are not intended to result in detailed design, environmental analysis, or cost estimates.

What will be evaluated in this feasibility study?

The study team will consider projected regional traffic, existing and planned developments, stakeholder input and the impact on the economy and environment. 

What are expected project milestones?

Summer 2017 – Study begins

Spring 2018 and Fall 2018 – Public open house meetings will be held to discuss the project and gather feedback from the public

Spring 2019 – Project implementation plan finalized that would include a recommended alignment(s)

*Please note that the project schedule is subject to change. 

Why is the study being conducted?

The County is growing…

The population of Collin County is projected to grow from just under 800,000 people (2010 Census) to over 3.8 million people in 2050, according to the Texas Demographic Center.*

*Assume the 2000-2010 Migration scenario for 2014 Texas Population Projections

More and more land in the County is being preserved for developments.

The study team is working with Collin County and cities in the study area to identify land which has been purchased and right of way that is preserved for existing or future planned residential or commercial development.  As the County’s population grows, the options to build a new roadway or expand the existing US 380 become more limited and potential impacts to residential and commercial developments increase.  The feasibility study will identify a roadway alignment or alignments to serve as a blueprint for City staff to begin preserving land now. 

When will construction begin?

There are many steps that must be completed after this project before construction could begin such as a more in-depth environmental analysis and public involvement, schematic design, right-of-way mapping and detailed roadway design. 

US 380 FAQs

FAQs Following May 2019 Public Meetings

US 380 Collin County Feasibility Study Final Report

US 380 Collin County Feasibility Study Final Report

US 380 Illustrative Rendering

Draft Illustrative Renderings at Stonebridge and Tucker Hill

US 380 May 2019 Public Meeting Documentation

US 380 May 2019 Public Meeting Documentation

US 380 Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides

US 380 Presentation Boards

Presentation Boards

TxDOT Recommended Alignment Route Map

Sheet 1 – Denton County Line to Custer Rd.

Sheet 2 –Custer Rd. to McDonald St./Highway 5

Sheet 3 –McDonald St./Highway 5 to Monte Carlo Blvd.

Sheet 4 –Spur 399 Extension/McKinney National Airport Area

Sheet 5 – Monte Carlo Blvd. to Lake Lavon

Sheet 6 –Lake Lavon to Hunt County Line

US 380 How to Provide Input

Electronic Survey/Comment Card

Comment period closes on Friday, May 24, 2019.


US 380 MAPO (Prosper) Presentation Boards

MAPO Boards

US 380 MAPO (Prosper) Alignment

MAPO Alignment

US 380 MAPO (Prosper) Comment Form

Comment Form

US 380 Prosper MAPO Meeting

US 380 Prosper MAPO Meeting Summary

US 380 NE McKinney MAPO Meeting

Public Meeting - Thursday, October 4, 2018 - Frisco

Public Meeting - Tuesday, October 9, 2018 - McKinney

Public Meeting - Thursday, October 11, 2018 - Princeton

Documentation of Public Meetings

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

US 380 Presentation Slides

US 380 Presentation Boards

US 380 Environmental Constraints Map

Revised Green Alignment Route Maps w/ Options A and B

Revised Red Alignment Route Maps w/ Options A and B

US 380 How to Provide Input 

The public meeting comment period has ended.


Public Meeting - Thursday, April 26, 2018 - McKinney

Public Meeting - Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - Princeton

Public Meeting - Thursday, May 3, 2018 - Prosper

Documentation of Public Meetings

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

US 380 Presentation Slides

US 380 Presentation Boards

US 380 Constraints Map

US 380 Travel Time Estimator Tool

Green Alignment Route Maps

Pink Alignment Route Maps

Blue Alignment Route Maps

Yellow Alignment Route Maps

Red Alignment Route Maps

Feasibility Study

AECOM US 380 Feasibility Study Report

US 380 MAPO Presentation Boards

US 380 MAPO Alignment

US 380 MAPO Comment Form

US 380 How to Provide Input

The public meeting comment period has ended.

For questions or comments, please contact:

Stephen Endres, P.E.

(214) 320-4469